Michael Malchieli

Get Refusal, Knesset, Sanctions 
Israel strikes back: Financial crackdown on Get refusers

In a landmark decision, the Knesset unleashes a barrage of new sanctions against get refusers, from freezing bank accounts to banning e-bike use. This sweeping legislation is a promising new step in the country's fight to free agunot and has been backed by an unlikely alliance of religious courts and women's rights groups.

Gila Isaacson | 05.08.24


Netanyahu: "Zero tolerance for any harm to worshipers"

Netanyahu condemns the incident in which Christians were spat on: "I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate the believers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive measures against this phenomenon"

JFeed | 03.10.23

Michael Malchieli

Minister of Religions Melchieli: I bend my opinions to the chief rabbis, the moves of Matan Kahana will be deleted

In a comprehensive interview, Minister of Religion Michael Malchieli welcomes the cooperation with religious Zionism, clarifies that Shas will abide by the agreement to appoint a Zionist rabbi, and that, unlike his predecessor, he is "an official of the Chief Rabbinate"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 01.10.23

Orit Strook's New Position

With the approval of the government: the new position of Orit Strook

Minister Orit Strook is expected to be elected as the government representative on the Rabbinical Judicial Appointments Committee, along with Ministers Dudi Amsalem and Michael Malchieli. The committee appoints a total of 13 members

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 26.09.23

Food Stamp Initiative

The ultra-Orthodox ministers: "Call the High Court to cancel the decision"

Against the background of the High Court's decision to freeze the food stamp initiative, the ultra-Orthodox ministers are criticizing and calling for the decision to be reversed. Minister of Religious Services Michael Malchieli: "Stopping it is simply a scandal, we hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.09.23

Chief Rabbi: "We Suffered"

Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef against Matan Kahana: "We suffered from him"

During his remarks at the inauguration of a new synagogue, the Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, alluded to the former Minister of Religious Services, Matan Kahana, saying, "There were ministers of religions... some of them we suffered from"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 05.09.23